Periodic overview of the AROS scene
  • AROS x86 - July 2024

    monthly roundup

    In July, Deadwood began work on updating the OWB browser (according to Development plan). On the AROS World forum, topics have been set up for both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the browser. There you can download the latest development version and participate in testing, which I strongly encourage... [Read More]
  • AROS x86 - June 2024

    monthly roundup

    AROS One 2.5 came out in June, and the distribution prepared by Carlo “AMIGASYSTEM” Spadoni is based on the latest base system and includes all the latest updates and fixes. The author spent a lot of effort configuring and testing the included software, of which there is really a lot.... [Read More]
  • AROS x86 - May 2024

    monthly roundup

    In May, the AROS community, as usual, was not idle. At the beginning of the month, Deadwood released a cumulative set of patches for the base system at 20220318-1. The Update 1 mainly contains the “irritating bugs of the month” fixes introduced over the past few months. [Read More]
  • AROS x86 - kwiecień 2024

    podsumowanie miesiąca

    W kwietniu 2024 roku, choć nie pojawiła się nowa wersja AROS dla x86, to i tak działo się bardzo wiele. Deadwood kontynuuje prace nad prototypem emulatora x86 dla 64-bitowej wersji systemu. W niedługim czasie możemy się też spodziewać od niego zbiorczego pakietu poprawek do ostatniego builda. Społeczność AROSa jest niezwykle... [Read More]