Odyssey Web Browser on AxRT Windows 11 (WSL2)

installation manual

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In this short tutorial, I will show you how to run Odyssey Web Browser on a Windows 11 computer with WSL2 installed. One of the simpler methods to install WSL2 is to use WSL Manager. You can download it from the Microsoft Store or directly from the project’s Github page.

The first time you run it, if you have not had a WSL system before, WSL Manager will guide you through the installation process (a reboot will be required). After restarting, go to settings and mark GuiAplications to true.


Add a new WSL instance. In the screenshot below you can see that I named my instance ubuntu, selected the Ubuntu 24.04 installation and entered my username, which I will use in the Linux subsystem.


Using a windows browser, download the latest archives with the LibAxRT package, the OWB-Libs libraries, the OWB browser and the launcher for OWB StartOWB from https://axrt.org/development/owb/x86_64/.


Copy the LibAxRT package and StartOWB file to the WSL subsystem user’s home directory. You have access to the WSL directories from the Windows File Explorer. The ubuntu directory is located on the left side of the File Explorer window, under disk names.


Start the terminal with Ubuntu.


Using a terminal, execute the commands in sequence:

  • unpack the LibAxRT package.
    sudo dpkg -i ~/libaxrt-4.0_41.10-1_amd64.deb
  • set permissions for StartOWB file.
    chmod +x StartOWB
  • run StartOWB file


After running StartOWB, the SYS and Work directories will be created in the WSL user’s home directory.

Running any AxRT application will create SYS and Work directories in the home directory.


Extract the previously downloaded OWB-Libs and OWB archives to the created directories.

  • Archive with OWB-Libs to /home/username/SYS


  • Archive with OWB to /home/username/Work


  • Move the StartOWB file to the directory with Oddysey Web Browser (/home/username/Work/owb-x86_64).


You can now run Odyssey Web Browser from a terminal. Navigate to the directory with OWB and run the StartOWB file.

cd Work/owb-x86_64  

You can also create a shortcut on the desktop. Remember to put your own username in the path.

"C:\Program Files\WSL\wslg.exe" -- "/home/username/Work/owb-x86_64/StartOWB"


There is a clipboard between the AxRT applications and the hosting system. You can use the clipboard with CTRL+C, CTRL+V on the host side and AMIGA+C, AMIGA+V on the AxRT side.

Feel free to visit the AROS World forum, where you can ask additional questions about using AROS, AxRT and OWB. You can also report there any performance bugs you encounter.


Problems with sound?

You may not have sound, for example, when playing YouTube videos. This is because WSLg in its current version supports PulseAudio, but not ALSA. There is a plug-in called libasound2 (ALSA library) that transfers the call from ALSA to PulseAudio. The plug-in is called pulse. So you need to install the plug-in by running the command in the terminal:

sudo apt install libasound2-plugins

and enable it manually by creating a .asoundrc file in your home directory with the following contents:

pcm.default pulse
ctl.default pulse

Finally, restart the WSL system.

Download the prepared archive with .asoundrc file and extract it in your home directory: